Europa League

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Offline Maple

Europa League
« il: 28 Feb 2014, 00:07 »
Let me guess, with today's elimination it was obviously the fault of the following......
Lotito, Tare, Reja, Lulic, Konko and Ciani, as usual.  I should have also included Cana and Cavanda, even though they didn't play, because it is always the same players that we blame.

Marchetti said he was ready, and Reja started him.  He is our number one goalie, and he should play when he can.

Players are people, and people make mistakes.  Marchetti was to blame today, and that's that. 


Re:Europa League
« Risposta #1 il: 28 Feb 2014, 06:07 »
Indeed Marchetti is the first one to blame for today,even through Ciani and Konko played poorly too.

But the problem is bigger than just the gk,you know,the team is poorly assembled ,drawn into confusion since october,more or less,weakened from having sold the best player we had (Hernanes) and from the subliminal that "we do care,but not that much,infact we don't give a flying about EL's outcome,so don't bother" coming from Lotito and Tare in January.

So yea,marchetti played terribly today but at first he shouldn't even be placed in that situation,should've just confirmed Berisha that proved to be a good keeper so far,reliable enough to trust him in this DECISIVE match.
So why risk,why put in danger a 16th in or out match just to restore unnecessary hierarchies at that point? i have my answer but i keep it for me,actually.

And on top add that the bulgarian team wasn't so bad as the italian provicialism usually fed to think,also their striker (Bezjak) is quite good and has been a nightmare for us in both matches,home and away,as Moti is a more than descent defender and Minev is damn truck that has literally outmatched Konko,erased,totally.
They have been much organised and concrete than us in both matches,so elimination was just the natural outcome for Lazio.
In the end,back to earth where we belong,we're not real madrid or bayern munchen,we're a normal european team that must always be at 100% of our condition to achieve success,expecially in european competitions.

Sidenote: Valencia will not have it easy against Ludogorets.

Offline Maple

Re:Europa League
« Risposta #2 il: 28 Feb 2014, 16:10 »
I agree with most of what you wrote.  I do understand the overall feeling of the Tifosi, along with the club and it's ownership.  I have been a LazioNet reader, almost everyday, for over 10 years.  I understand that we are a 4th to 8th place team in serie A.  I understand that Lotito has a small market mentality, unfortunately we area  a big market team with big market aspirations.  The saga with Lotito and La Curva will continue forever. 

IMHO: Living abroad, my advice would be to support the team at all costs, and attempt to dialogue with the ownership.  Lotito will not sell and will not reason with you if the "vatene" or "libera" or PDM continue.

I have a few more thoughts regarding your response.
1) Marchetti had to start yesterday.  He had a good week of practice and said he was ready.  As a former footballer and coach, I can tell you that a player should never lose his spot due to injury.  When he recovers, he should come back to play.  Mind you, if Berisha started, and committed Marchetti's 2 "papere", Reja would have been blamed anyway, saying that we should have started Marchetti.

2) I am getting a little tired of our tifosi calling Hernanes our best player.  He was an individually skilled player who was selfish, and with zero vision (intelligenza calcistica).  Players like this don't help your team, they hurt your team. Why don't all of the Hernanes followers review their "pagelle", game after game, for the last two or three seasons.  8 out of every 10 games, he had the lowest score for the team (usually 3 - 5).  And every game that he scored a goal, even via "rigore", he was our Saviour and awarded a 7 or 8.

Sorry, but these are my thoughts.



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