Fiorentina - Lazio

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Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #20 il: 10 Ott 2021, 16:46 »
Perfect ! Thank you for these informations.
I remember when i came to the stadio olimpico some years ago i had electronic ticket.
Do you think Formello is interesting to visit ?

Offline Lativm88

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #21 il: 21 Ott 2021, 17:50 »
Perfect ! Thank you for these informations.
I remember when i came to the stadio olimpico some years ago i had electronic ticket.
Do you think Formello is interesting to visit ?

Print them if you like, but I do recommend to have the electronic ticket (pdf) on you device. Much easier to scan and saves time.

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #22 il: 22 Ott 2021, 17:14 »
Yes i'll do that !

A last (maybe) question, very important. About the children in the stadium. My son is 11 years old. So he doesn't have vaccination passport.
Does he need test covid to enter the stadium ?
It is written on internet that in Italy for bars, restaurants, etc.. children less than 12 don't need test covid (the same in France).
But he needs covid test in airport because Italy asks covid test from 6 years old (it's 12 here).
So, i need to be sure that for the game in the Stadio Olimpico it works like bars and restaurants (no need for children less than 12).
In the opposite way, it means he'll need to make a covid test in Roma before the game.

Grazie !

Offline Dissi

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #23 il: 22 Ott 2021, 17:18 »
Yes i'll do that !

A last (maybe) question, very important. About the children in the stadium. My son is 11 years old. So he doesn't have vaccination passport.
Does he need test covid to enter the stadium ?
It is written on internet that in Italy for bars, restaurants, etc.. children less than 12 don't need test covid (the same in France).
But he needs covid test in airport because Italy asks covid test from 6 years old (it's 12 here).
So, i need to be sure that for the game in the Stadio Olimpico it works like bars and restaurants (no need for children less than 12).
In the opposite way, it means he'll need to make a covid test in Roma before the game.

Grazie !

The Green pass is not required to those under 12. For the adults they will ask you the GP together with an ID, before the entrance
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #24 il: 22 Ott 2021, 17:56 »
Perfect then ! Thanks !

Now i'm in the last step : to buy tickets. And i understand nothing !
I'm on vivaticket and everytime they propose me 2 things :

"INTERO PRELAZIONE:   INTERO-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
INTERO PRELAZIONE NON TAMPONATO:   INTERO per coloro che vorranno fare il tampone direttamente allo stadio-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
UNDER16 PRELAZIONE NON TAMPONATO:   UNDER 16 per coloro che vorranno fare il tampone direttamente allo stadio, nati dal 1/1/2005-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
UNDER16 PRELAZIONE:   UNDER 16 , nati dal 1/1/2005-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon"

I don't understand what it means. Even when i translate from google to french language i still don't understand !
Anyway if i click on prelazione non tamponato or prelazione tamponato, they ask me a coupon code. I don't understand.

And there is no other way on the site. For a foreigner it's impossible to understand what to do !

Offline Dissi

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #25 il: 23 Ott 2021, 00:15 »
Perfect then ! Thanks !

Now i'm in the last step : to buy tickets. And i understand nothing !
I'm on vivaticket and everytime they propose me 2 things :

"INTERO PRELAZIONE:   INTERO-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
INTERO PRELAZIONE NON TAMPONATO:   INTERO per coloro che vorranno fare il tampone direttamente allo stadio-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
UNDER16 PRELAZIONE NON TAMPONATO:   UNDER 16 per coloro che vorranno fare il tampone direttamente allo stadio, nati dal 1/1/2005-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon
UNDER16 PRELAZIONE:   UNDER 16 , nati dal 1/1/2005-inserire il codice prelazione nel campo coupon"

I don't understand what it means. Even when i translate from google to french language i still don't understand !
Anyway if i click on prelazione non tamponato or prelazione tamponato, they ask me a coupon code. I don't understand.

And there is no other way on the site. For a foreigner it's impossible to understand what to do !

PRELAZIONE means seats reserved to last season ticket holders. This is a pre-selling, reserved to those, you have to wait until selling is open to public.

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