Ciao tutti !
I write here because i can't open a new topic and i'm going to speak about the game Lazio - Fiorentina for october 2021. I need your help please !!
I'm french and i write in english because i don't speak italian (it's very sad for me, as a french, to use english to speak with italians, because our language is common and we are latins.. and i don't like english language).
I'm a Laziale since 1998. There is no specific reason. In 1998 i was 14 and i fell in love with the colors, the stadium and the players. And this big love never stopped ! In 1999 when we won the cup of the cups, i was crying before my TV.
I remember my mother told me "you cry for a football game of a foreign team ?". I answered "YEEES".
Then she told me "but last year you didn't have tears for France world cup final 98". I answered "yes i didn't cry but it was a crazy day too. But today i cry for Lazio". Then she answered "stupid boy".
One year later i cryed again for the scudetto. Then, my mother decided to buy me the black Lazio t-shirt with CIRIO sponsor (and became Siemens some days later). I still have this t-shirt today and i still use it !!
In 2015 only i came for the first time in Roma to see my Lazio. It was for the game Lazio - Empoli, 4-0 (Mauri, Candreva, Klose, Felipe Anderson). Wonderful day. Unforgettable. It was a sunday afternoon. In the morning i went to Vatican to see the pope Francesco on his window. I was sure after that our Lazio will destroy Empoli

I have a son. He's 11. He knows perfectly my love for Lazio but as a parisian, he is not able to love an other team than Paris St-Germain. It's normal. But his dream is to visit Roma and to learn italian language. So, i decided for the holidays of october to go in Roma with him. And i want to go to Stadio Olimpico with him, i'm sure he will fall in love with Lazio (or just a little bit a minima, i hope !!).
The holidays of october in France are from 23 of october to 6 of november. So, the only game we can see in the stadium will be Lazio - Fiorentina. So it's not on week-end but in the middle of the week because it's written in the calendar "maybe 27 of october".
I have 2 questions please ! I'm afraid to not take the good dates for the plane Paris-Roma because the calendar says "maybe" 27 for the game.
Can we be sure that the game will be minimum 26 of october and maximum 28 of october ? And in that way, i'll take plane on 25 or 26 morning, and go back to Paris on 29.
Other question : about buying the tickets. In 2015 i bought Lazio - Empoli on internet. I don't remember on which website. I remember it was a printed paper and i paid only 20€. Today, websites propose me the ticket for 70€. First, i think it's too expansive, i'm sure if i buy with an italian website or directly in Roma, it will be less expansive ! And second, i don't trust these sites that i don't know.
So, do you think it will be easy to find tickets the day of the game ? Where to go ?
Or, if i want to be sure to have tickets and with the normal price, can you advice me a website ?
I promised Rome and Lazio - Fiorentina to my son, it's very important !
If the holidays were 2 days earlier, we could see Lazio - Olympique de Marseille in Europa League (the game is on 21 of october). It would be funny for us to see Marseille destroyed by Lazio because we are parisians. Anyway, i remember we destroyed Marseille 21 years ago, in 2000, 5-1 !!!! 4 goals of our dear Simone Inzaghi !!
I thank you very much to have read my long presentation in a wrong topic ! I thank you very much for the eventual future answers and advices !