Fiorentina - Lazio

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Offline Maple

Fiorentina - Lazio
« il: 03 Mar 2014, 19:02 »
Great victory yesterday, a little more tension in the second half then necessary, but all in all, 3 big points.

Marchetti was the right choice, as he also was in Europa League.
Defence was mostly solid, a few scary moments, but when Federico is on his game, this defence is good enough.
Midfield played very well defensively, and countered fairly well, but should have produced the classic 2-0 result.
Attack created a number of quality chances, mostly via the counter, good work overall.
Coaching was a passing grade, except that Keita might have closed the match if he came in a little sooner.

Marchetti & Biglia were our best yesterday.
Lulic and Gonzo are struggling with the ball, but their work rates are incredible, and sometimes we need those defensive lungs (Lulic, Gonzo & Onazi).

What do you all think?

Offline sharp

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #1 il: 04 Mar 2014, 04:44 »
Great victory yesterday, a little more tension in the second half then necessary, but all in all, 3 big points.

Marchetti was the right choice, as he also was in Europa League.
Defence was mostly solid, a few scary moments, but when Federico is on his game, this defence is good enough.
Midfield played very well defensively, and countered fairly well, but should have produced the classic 2-0 result.
Attack created a number of quality chances, mostly via the counter, good work overall.
Coaching was a passing grade, except that Keita might have closed the match if he came in a little sooner.

Marchetti & Biglia were our best yesterday.
Lulic and Gonzo are struggling with the ball, but their work rates are incredible, and sometimes we need those defensive lungs (Lulic, Gonzo & Onazi).

What do you all think?

I'm agree

Lazio - Fiorentina
« Risposta #2 il: 01 Set 2021, 09:23 »
Ciao tutti !

I write here because i can't open a new topic and i'm going to speak about the game Lazio - Fiorentina for october 2021. I need your help please !!

I'm french and i write in english because i don't speak italian (it's very sad for me, as a french, to use english to speak with italians, because our language is common and we are latins.. and i don't like english language).
I'm a Laziale since 1998. There is no specific reason. In 1998 i was 14 and i fell in love with the colors, the stadium and the players. And this big love never stopped ! In 1999 when we won the cup of the cups, i was crying before my TV.

I remember my mother told me "you cry for a football game of a foreign team ?". I answered "YEEES".
Then she told me "but last year you didn't have tears for France world cup final 98". I answered "yes i didn't cry but it was a crazy day too. But today i cry for Lazio". Then she answered "stupid boy".
One year later i cryed again for the scudetto. Then, my mother decided to buy me the black Lazio t-shirt with CIRIO sponsor (and became Siemens some days later). I still have this t-shirt today and i still use it !!

In 2015 only i came for the first time in Roma to see my Lazio. It was for the game Lazio - Empoli, 4-0 (Mauri, Candreva, Klose, Felipe Anderson). Wonderful day. Unforgettable. It was a sunday afternoon. In the morning i went to Vatican to see the pope Francesco on his window. I was sure after that our Lazio will destroy Empoli  :D :D :D

I have a son. He's 11. He knows perfectly my love for Lazio but as a parisian, he is not able to love an other team than Paris St-Germain. It's normal. But his dream is to visit Roma and to learn italian language. So, i decided for the holidays of october to go in Roma with him. And i want to go to Stadio Olimpico with him, i'm sure he will fall in love with Lazio (or just a little bit a minima, i hope !!).

The holidays of october in France are from 23 of october to 6 of november. So, the only game we can see in the stadium will be Lazio - Fiorentina. So it's not on week-end but in the middle of the week because it's written in the calendar "maybe 27 of october".

I have 2 questions please ! I'm afraid to not take the good dates for the plane Paris-Roma because the calendar says "maybe" 27 for the game.
Can we be sure that the game will be minimum 26 of october and maximum 28 of october ? And in that way, i'll take plane on 25 or 26 morning, and go back to Paris on 29.

Other question : about buying the tickets. In 2015 i bought Lazio - Empoli on internet. I don't remember on which website. I remember it was a printed paper and i paid only 20€. Today, websites propose me the ticket for 70€. First, i think it's too expansive, i'm sure if i buy with an italian website or directly in Roma, it will be less expansive ! And second, i don't trust these sites that i don't know.
So, do you think it will be easy to find tickets the day of the game ? Where to go ?
Or, if i want to be sure to have tickets and with the normal price, can you advice me a website ?

I promised Rome and Lazio - Fiorentina to my son, it's very important !
If the holidays were 2 days earlier, we could see Lazio - Olympique de Marseille in Europa League (the game is on 21 of october). It would be funny for us to see Marseille destroyed by Lazio because we are parisians. Anyway, i remember we destroyed Marseille 21 years ago, in 2000, 5-1 !!!! 4 goals of our dear Simone Inzaghi !!

I thank you very much to have read my long presentation in a wrong topic ! I thank you very much for the eventual future answers and advices !
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #3 il: 01 Set 2021, 09:29 »
Oui, normalement, si tu prends l'aller le 26 matin et le retour le 29 tu es sur de pouvoir aller au match.
Pour le billet, je pense que tu pourras le prendre directement à Rome le jour du match.
Pas loin du stade il y a un Lazio Point ou tu pourras les acheter.

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #4 il: 01 Set 2021, 09:43 »
Ah tu parles Français, c'est bien ça ! Et a priori parfaitement !
Merci pour ces infos. Donc pour un match contre la Fiorentina on est sûrs d'obtenir des places le jour-même ?
C'est seulement pour le derby et contre les gros (Juve, Inter, Milan, Naples...) que c'est plus difficile ?
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #5 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:01 »
A priori c'est comme ça.
Le stade Olympique est très grand, c'est rare un match ou tu ne trouve pas du tout de billets.
Cela, bien évidemment, en temps normaux. Avec les limitations du au Covid il y a moins de billets à disposition mais on parle toujours d'environ 20, 30 mille places. Et il n'y a pas d'abonnés cette année.

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #6 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:14 »
Ah oui j'avais pas pensé à ça ! J'espère que l'ambiance sera bonne et que la curva nord sera pleine et bruyante.
Le Lazio point est ouvert tous les jours ? Parce que si je n'achète pas les places par internet mais sur place directement, je préfère y aller le jour de mon arrivée et pas forcément le jour de match..
Merci en tout cas pour toutes ces infos !
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #7 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:20 »
Oui, normalement, si tu prends l'aller le 26 matin et le retour le 29 tu es sur de pouvoir aller au match.
Pour le billet, je pense que tu pourras le prendre directement à Rome le jour du match.
Pas loin du stade il y a un Lazio Point ou tu pourras les acheter.

Mi sa che i biglietti si fanno solo on-line anche il giorno della partita
Sabato ho fatto un passaggio al volo in via Calderini e il ragazzo che filtrava gli ingressi, massimo 4 persone per volta dentro, ripeteva a tutti che non facevano biglietti

Offline mazzok

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #8 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:22 »
cependant, s'il fait les billets pour le vol, je ne risquerais pas de ne pas avoir le billet pour le match en main.
Ici ce qui s'est passé pour Lazio - spezia. Les billets ont été mis en vente en ligne sur la plateforme vivaticket quelques jours avant le match. Malheureusement, c'est en italien. Pour le prix (qui pourrait changer) regarde la "vendita libera" et le secteur curva/distinti/tribuna qui interesse.

"https://www.lazionews24" .com/lazio-spazio-info-utili-acquisto-biglietti-olimpico/
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #9 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:27 »
Mi sa che i biglietti si fanno solo on-line anche il giorno della partita
Sabato ho fatto un passaggio al volo in via Calderini e il ragazzo che filtrava gli ingressi, massimo 4 persone per volta dentro, ripeteva a tutti che non facevano biglietti

Questo non lo sapevo.

Ah oui j'avais pas pensé à ça ! J'espère que l'ambiance sera bonne et que la curva nord sera pleine et bruyante.
Le Lazio point est ouvert tous les jours ? Parce que si je n'achète pas les places par internet mais sur place directement, je préfère y aller le jour de mon arrivée et pas forcément le jour de match..
Merci en tout cas pour toutes ces infos !

Fait attention, apparemment les billets faudra les acheter avant sur le net.
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #10 il: 01 Set 2021, 10:41 »
Merci pour ces précisions !
Vivaticket, voilà ! C'est avec ce site que j'avais acheté mon billet pour Lazio - Empoli en 2015 je crois !
italicbold : t'es bilingue en fait ?
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #11 il: 01 Set 2021, 11:00 »
Merci pour ces précisions !
Vivaticket, voilà ! C'est avec ce site que j'avais acheté mon billet pour Lazio - Empoli en 2015 je crois !
italicbold : t'es bilingue en fait ?

J'habite à Clichy ;)
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #12 il: 01 Set 2021, 11:05 »
Ahahah ! ah ouais je vois ! Moi je suis du 13ème.
Bah content de voir qu'il y a des voisins dans ce forum !
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #13 il: 01 Set 2021, 11:08 »
Y'en a d'autres...

Offline mazzok

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #14 il: 01 Set 2021, 19:17 »

Lazio-Fiorentina, mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 alle ore 20:45
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #15 il: 12 Set 2021, 19:57 »
Salut !

Je n'aurai pas de problèmes avec la date de toute façon parce que j'ai pris des billets d'avion du 25 au 29 octobre. Tranquille  8)
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #16 il: 07 Ott 2021, 12:03 »
Ciao a tutti.

I went to the biglietteria in sslazio website and it's still not possible to buy tickets for Lazio - Fiorentina on 27 of october. Maybe it's normal.
But just to check, i see that it's not possible too to buy tickets for Lazio - Inter and it's already in 9 days ! Is it normal ?

Offline pentiux

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #17 il: 08 Ott 2021, 16:17 »
Ciao a tutti.

I went to the biglietteria in sslazio website and it's still not possible to buy tickets for Lazio - Fiorentina on 27 of october. Maybe it's normal.
But just to check, i see that it's not possible too to buy tickets for Lazio - Inter and it's already in 9 days ! Is it normal ?
Yes, it is because of covid they sell tickets very last minute.
Now it is possible to buy tickets for Lazio-Inter, but up to next sunday only for former season ticket holders. Starting on next monday, it will be open to everyone.

Regarding Lazio-Fiorentina, because the Stadium will be open up to 75%, I'm sure you won't have any problem to get tickets.
Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #18 il: 10 Ott 2021, 12:05 »
Yes, it is because of covid they sell tickets very last minute.
Now it is possible to buy tickets for Lazio-Inter, but up to next sunday only for former season ticket holders. Starting on next monday, it will be open to everyone.

Regarding Lazio-Fiorentina, because the Stadium will be open up to 75%, I'm sure you won't have any problem to get tickets.

Thanks for all these informations ! The tickets are sent by postal letter or it's electronic tickets ? I hope it's electronic. I ask because i want to buy tickets absolutely by italian website from sslazio website to vivaticket. Because tickets sent by french sites are 40 times more expansive than normal italian price and often sent by postal letter... it's stupid and lots of people have problems with these dirty sites.

Offline Dissi

Re:Fiorentina - Lazio
« Risposta #19 il: 10 Ott 2021, 13:00 »
Thanks for all these informations ! The tickets are sent by postal letter or it's electronic tickets ? I hope it's electronic. I ask because i want to buy tickets absolutely by italian website from sslazio website to vivaticket. Because tickets sent by french sites are 40 times more expansive than normal italian price and often sent by postal letter... it's stupid and lots of people have problems with these dirty sites.

Electronic ticket, you get the PDF and you can print or use it on your mobile phone.

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