i am laziale

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Offline Mr. Mojo

i am laziale
« il: 19 Apr 2010, 19:26 »

This areas seems sad without post...excuse my maccheronic english

I'm happy to be first  :oops:

Long Live to Tare  :?

Offline Magnopèl

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #1 il: 19 Apr 2010, 22:51 »
romashit.  :D

Offline Mr. Mojo

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #2 il: 19 Apr 2010, 23:31 »
totty trash  :P

Offline carib

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #3 il: 19 Apr 2010, 23:43 »
of reds too

Offline St£fano

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #4 il: 19 Apr 2010, 23:44 »
Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #5 il: 20 Apr 2010, 20:29 »
totti fuck

Offline Mr. Mojo

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #6 il: 02 Mag 2010, 20:36 »
This evening we must lose

and totti take it into your ass
Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #7 il: 03 Mag 2010, 18:45 »
My very first post!!!! I'm Laziale and proud of it. Although yesterday's match could be a bit controversial I believe is the most beautiful defeat we've taken in years. When Totti gives us the tumbs down at the end of the derby match all the Roma followers say is "just for fun"...all right, guess who are the ones enjoying the moment right now...eat it Totti!

Offline Kebab

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #8 il: 03 Mag 2010, 19:02 »
Welcome aboard Kike :D

I agree with you, totti it's just an asshole  ;)

GO LAZIO!! :band1: :band1:

Offline Maple

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #9 il: 07 Mag 2010, 04:54 »
Hello all you Laziali,
I am writing from Toronto Canada.

Lazio 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #10 il: 07 Mag 2010, 07:56 »
Welcome, Maple!!!!!

How many Lazio's supporters you are in Toronto?

 :band6: :band6: :band6: :band6: :band6: :band6:

Offline Mr. Mojo

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #11 il: 07 Mag 2010, 18:42 »

Offline Maple

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #12 il: 09 Mag 2010, 20:04 »
I would guess that there are thousands here.
There are many different Lazio social clubs around Toronto.

Everytime I wear one of my 4 Lazio jerseys, people stop me and ask where they can buy the jersey.
I will be visiting Italy next week, and will probably add 1 more jersey to my collection.

Ciao a tutti.

Online cartesio

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #13 il: 10 Mag 2010, 10:01 »





(e ffforza lazzzio)

Offline olandese

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #14 il: 07 Giu 2010, 21:15 »
I wanted to open a thread some time ago but the season had to finish before...  (superstition)
but this thread seems to me like a suitable place for this discussion : What happened this year
Hope someone else here wants to add some points to this discussion in which we explain why and what happened this year with our beloved club. Hope the thread helps to explain the ignorants what went   through our minds... and the meaning of "i am Laziale"

The season had a wonderful start but had a rather frustrating end.

Best banner
The manner in which Lazio rolled over for Inter, with their fans threatening violence if they didn't, this month to help keep Roma from winning the Scudetto, was deeply unedifying. Nevertheless, it was hard not to chuckle when Inter inevitably did take the lead, and the home support began to unfurl a sign that simply read: "Oh nooo."


Offline olandese

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #15 il: 08 Giu 2010, 22:41 »
Best banner

The manner in which Lazio rolled over for Inter, with their fans threatening violence if they didn't, this month to help keep Roma from winning the Scudetto, was deeply unedifying. Nevertheless, it was hard not to chuckle when Inter inevitably did take the lead, and the home support began to unfurl a sign that simply read: "Oh nooo."

Offline Maple

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #16 il: 11 Giu 2010, 04:59 »
IMHO, many things went wrong with this season.  Here are a few that immediately come to mind.

1) Claudio Lotito - Not involved enough in the transfer market, and yet too involved in the dressing room.

2) Coach Ballardini - He was too easily influenced by Lotito.

3) Mauro Zarate - Too selfish a player.  If you think about it, he was only effective at the beginning of the season 2 years ago.  Once the excellent defenders in Serie A understood that he holds the ball much too long, they overplayed/pressured him becuase they had no fears regarding his ball distribution.

I could go on , but I will start with these and look forward to your comments.

FORZA LAZIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Tarallo

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #17 il: 11 Giu 2010, 14:17 »
Finally someone who speaks proper English!!  :lol:

1) Claudio Lotito - Not involved enough in the transfer market, and yet too involved in the dressing room.

"What are you talking about Willis??" (cit.) :D

If anything, he was too involved and made decisions without consulting someone with technical responsibilities (we need a Football Operations Manager). He buys tons of players but can't sell water in the desert; he needs to relinquish some of that activity and focus on the team's strategy in the long-term.

Beccate questa.

P.S. E basta spaccare il forum in lotitians e anti-lotitians.  :lol:

Offline Mr. Mojo

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #18 il: 11 Giu 2010, 16:48 »
au du iu dù

uan du tre
uan du tri


Offline Breizh

Re:i am laziale
« Risposta #19 il: 11 Giu 2010, 22:33 »
IMHO, many things went wrong with this season.  Here are a few that immediately come to mind.

1) Claudio Lotito - Not involved enough in the transfer market, and yet too involved in the dressing room.

2) Coach Ballardini - He was too easily influenced by Lotito.

3) Mauro Zarate - Too selfish a player.  If you think about it, he was only effective at the beginning of the season 2 years ago.  Once the excellent defenders in Serie A understood that he holds the ball much too long, they overplayed/pressured him becuase they had no fears regarding his ball distribution.

I could go on , but I will start with these and look forward to your comments.

FORZA LAZIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome, Maple.
Watch out, anyway: talking about Lotito can be dangerous here... :)

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