On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'

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Offline mrmoto

On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« il: 31 Mag 2013, 05:46 »
The news, a couple of days ago, that Totti, in a interview with France Football, when asked for a word to define Lazio said 'niente',  'nothing' reminded me of a classic song by 90's American folk singer Edie Brickell:

Are you in bad mood?                                          Sei di cattivo umore?
Don't you wanna talk about it?                            Ne vuoi parlare?
Did I say somethin' rude?                                    Ho detto qualcosa di sbagliato?
You don't have to cry about it.                             Non c'è bisogno di piangere.
Aren't you feelin' okay?                                       Non ti senti bene?
Would you like a little company?                          Vuoi un po' di compagnia?
Or did you have a bad day?                                 O hai avuto una giornataccia?
Are you mad at me? -- let it show                       Se arrabbiato con me - mostramelo
Don't tell me nothing -- I don't wanna know        Non dirmi niente - non ne voglio sapere

There's nothing I hate more than nothing            Non c'è niente che odio più del niente
Nothing keeps me up at night                              Niente mi tiene sveglio la note
I toss & turn over nothing                                   Mi giro e mi rivolto per niente
Nothing could cause a great BIG fight                   Niente potrebbe causare una grossa litigata

Hey -- what's the matter?                                   Hey --- cosa c'è?
Don't tell me nothing.                                         Non dirmi niente...

Offline PieroP

Re:On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« Risposta #1 il: 30 Giu 2013, 18:20 »
Totti is just defining who he is: niente
Re:On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« Risposta #2 il: 30 Giu 2013, 22:21 »
That "nothing" made his pathetic team (as roma) disappear from the scene on May 26th, 2013. He's just a moron. He has no class, no decency. He doesn't know how to win. He doesn't know how to lose.
Re:On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« Risposta #3 il: 30 Giu 2013, 22:29 »
That "nothing" made his pathetic team (as roma) disappear from the scene on May 26th, 2013. He's just a moron. He has no class, no decency. He doesn't know how to win. He doesn't know how to lose.

That's not 100% right: he knows very well how to lose, since he has been doing so forever!


I know what you meant...  :beer:

Offline Maple

Re:On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« Risposta #4 il: 07 Lug 2013, 05:34 »
Totti is an arrogant ass!  Could we possibly expect anything else from his mouth?
He was certainly still burning from the Coppa Italia final.  Povero [...]?

Forza Lazio
Re:On Totti calling Lazio 'nothing'
« Risposta #5 il: 07 Lug 2013, 13:04 »
He was certainly still burning from the Coppa Italia final.

Forza Lazio

That's the point.

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